Hazmat Transportation Compliance Review & Auditing

Is your company at risk when handling dangerous goods and transporting hazardous materials?

Incorrectly classified, packaged or identified shipments put you and your company at risk for frustrated shipments, injuries, lawsuits, penalty actions, negative publicity and in some cases catastrophic incidents.

Shield your company and yourself from exposure to heavy fines and civil and/or criminal liability as a result of non-compliance with an in-depth onsite review of current regulatory compliance initiatives and systems. A timely written report of all findings, complete with statutory code cites and recommendations for correction of deficiencies or enhancement of management systems, is provided.

We perform an extensive number of audits worldwide, addressing both international and domestic regulations.

Considering or currently using a Toller or third party to ship or store your products?

  • We have performed gap analysis audits on third-party sites for multiple companies and provided written reports on dangerous goods transportation compliance.

Dangerous Goods & Hazmat Handling Process Review

Hazmat transportation compliance review and auditing services from Currie Associates can help you understand whether or not your hazmat handling process is putting your business at risk. Our comprehensive audits assess the risk – corporate and individual – that could result from the improper handling, storage, shipping, offering for transport, or transporting of dangerous goods.

As a part of our dangerous goods compliance auditing and hazmat handling process review, we provide:

  • A confidential and privileged written report of any and all hazmat program strengths and/or deficiencies.
  • Specific instances of regulatory non-compliance detailed for consideration or correction with citation of the applicable code, referenced by section.
  • Recommendations for correction of deficiencies or enhancement of management systems.
  • Recommendations for hazardous materials/dangerous goods training to help protect your employees and company.

Understand Your Company’s Hazmat Transportation Risk

An in-depth Hazmat Transportation Compliance Review from Currie Associates can help you understand and manage the risks associated with transporting dangerous goods. With our extensive hazmat auditing services and hazardous materials training, you can avoid the serious consequences of non-compliance.

Interested in assessing your company’s hazmat transportation risk? Contact Currie Associates today at 518.761.0668 or complete our online contact form to get started.